My Automatic Writings
It would feel nice to walk this journey together with you. Can we be vulnerable without judgement?….
You just like me, me just like you, we are all kindred spirits. I am opening myself to you in expressing my automatic writing with the desire to connect with YOU!
Heart Like a Truck
Listen, my dear sisters (and brothers), many of us have found ourselves in relationships where we tolerated unskillful behavior from our partners.
For far too long, we endured negative verbal communication, stone-walling techniques, blame, defensiveness, and even physical trauma.
Showing Up
What does it look like when we show up for ourSelves? What do we want that to become in the future?
Here’s my vision!!!...
When I show up for mySelf, it’s the real shit ~ no holds barred. It’s raw and unfiltered, no pretense.
Realize Who You Are
Ever realized how we often exert tremendous effort to manipulate our surroundings, pushing to align them with the stories we’ve crafted? When they match, bliss ensues; when they don’t, we suffer.
Spiritual Truth
Utilizing spiritual tools is essential for guiding us through life's situations, circumstances, and challenges.
I Call B.S.
Alright, I’ve been wanting to get this in ink for quite awhile. I’m calling BS. Technically I’ve written about this topic in various ways over the years but this time, well, it may feel harsh, direct, or not as gentle as usual, but… it’s time.
A Letter to Self
No matter where we go in life, there we are… we are the one constant who is always there. What is your level of self-love?
Here Now…Writing to a Mentor
On my trail run today at Del Dios it struck me, that even though I have believed this about myself, it became very clear ~ I have a great depth and appreciation for seeing the beauty all around me.
Awakening Process for one…
I’d love to share this brief but deep glimpse into BEing on this journey …
Maybe something will resonate with you. My interview with Mark Torgeson from the Center for Planetary Awakening...
Who Am I? Who Are You?
If you are new here, start with this post.
Regardless of experience, aren’t we all truly one? I open my heart and voice to you with a desire to connect and realize there is no separation between us. Here is the start of my undetermined journey….