Spiritual Truth

During my encounters, I'm still observing and navigating through what some might call "spiritual bypassing".  It's a phenomenon that still lingers, particularly in these times of intense healing energies. I like to think of it as "false healing," acknowledging that we all have areas to grow and learn from on our spiritual return to Self.

Utilizing spiritual tools is essential for guiding us through life's situations, circumstances, and challenges. However, it's crucial to be mindful of the potential for spiritual bypassing, where meditation, affirmations, and prayer are used to sidestep wounds, pain, and possibly trauma in an attempt to quickly shift into a more positive emotional state. This approach can inadvertently become an addictive pattern.

While these tools are invaluable in our spiritual toolbox, the real shift  begins when we bring forth the energy of transformations to the consciousness ~ a state of naked awareness.

It's about being fully present. It’s the ‘awareness’ of the field of change. 

The only constant is change; our thoughts and sensations are in a perpetual state of flux. Simultaneously, there exists another fundamental dimension—the dimension in that which is unchanging. 

This unchanging essence is the awareness of the ever-shifting field of change.

How aware are YOU of this field of change?

Most often we get so caught up in the dynamic field of change, fixating on the objects, people, and places that constitute our current experiences - in doing this we ignore the dimension of awareness ~ an oversight I like to refer to as the sweet pocket ~ a sweet pocket of a realm laden with possibility and potential for transformation.   

It’s being aware of awareness and being conscious of consciousness. 

Engaging in meditation and creative pursuits is valuable, yet true clearing of condition programs and behaviors  involves not just stillness but also conscious movement—a dynamic awareness of consciousness.  BEing conscious of consciousness.  HERE lies the practice. The calm within the chaos, the choice-point within.

It’s a skill I call ‘holding center’.

Practicing this seat of awareness is the gift that holds us center when the winds blow through our doors, stirring all that is around us.  

It’s easy to always want the comfort.  It’s easy to want only that which feels good. But this life exists in polarity.  Life exists in both worlds… excruciating and soothing. 

Life is the practice of center. 

The practice of ‘center’ lies within the paradox of life ~ of `BEing and BEcoming’ - 

The awareness of center begins with the process of un-layering our innate Self from the density that is tethering us down, while it is so liberating, it hurts, and it is easy to get lost.

As we traverse the intricacies of existence and interweave with the tapestry of our environment, It’s so easy to rise into anger, to be enveloped by competition, to get swallowed by fear and worry, to cast judgment, condemn, blame, and belittle, and slip into the depths of manipulation… I know. 

Anything to keep us out of discomfort.  To escape the swirls of experience, the life unfolding.

It is also easy to breathe, to be with your gentle heart, to let all of those things go.  Remembering what is actually true. Remember the calm within the chaos, the choice-point within. 

It is only through the present awareness can we dissolve the illusions, the noise, the fight within… This is the depth of Self awareness, the deep Self work. 

ALL we feel and sense must pass through the channels of the physical body, if we continue to push it outward, the shadow expands.  It encompasses and grips us in each step forward.  Dear Souls, The only way out is through. 

What is it you are not feeling?  That thing you are pushing away?

What is your collection of patterns?  

Aren’t you tired of being spun dizzy? 

How do you experience the sensations that arise when triggered—a sudden, unexpected moment like ripping a bandaid from an ancient wound? Do you find yourself entangled in the compulsion to take immediate action? Instead of falling prey to the mediation of ego or attempting to create comfort through control, judgment, or manipulation, can you cultivate an awareness of the awareness itself? 

Allowing it to simply exist, embracing its essence for what it IS.

What if we opened to ‘feeling’... feeling what IS in that moment without needing to do or change anything.  Without giving it a story.

Because you see Dear Souls, The cure for the pain is in the pain.

It’s the analogy of the hot air balloon, it naturally desires to rise.  YOU are the only one that can release the rope that is tethering you down… keeping you in the deep unconscious patterns. 

When we can catch awareness in those unpredicted swiftly triggering moments, our energy follows this consciousness… it follows this ‘aware’ consciousness… 

This is the first step.  Often the hardest step. 

But when we can be OK feeling uncomfortable in these moments, without needing anything outside of us to change. Without projection of pain, anger, or blame onto another.

It is in THIS that we can inquire what in US can transform.  

What can we release, what story can be dissolved?  Your soul speaks out through the chaos, in the whisper of your breath.  

Breathing in, only aware of your in breath.

Breathing out, only aware of your out breath.

Uncovering and confronting our unconscious motivations is essential.  By channeling perseverance and determination into these present moments, refraining from reaction to our ingrained patterns, to our ‘preferences’, we initiate shift, we initiate healing, we initiate the rise. 

This is the practice of tossing the sandbags out of the hot air balloon… it’s purifying these denser energies - dissolving of the worn-out goblins and collective patterns. 

As we become aware of awareness, we sense the lightness that comes in to lift us. 

This is truth -

YOU are the answer.

As we continue to drop the stories, the conditioned thoughts and patterns weighing us down, in this space, we ask nothing.  Nothing else is required.  We let go of everything we do not need.  We let go of the doubt. 

There is nothing to do.  No where to go.  It is just THIS.

There is something deep inside begging you to sense the calm, the calm within and the calm that always exists without. 

When we open to this spark of Source that we have always been then we resonate on such a level of consciousness, such a level of Love, that its nature is to expand exponentially. 

You see, ALL emotions are held in authenticity ~ it’s the pure expression of what you already are….

And it is minus judgment.  Without control.  Without defense. Without blame. Without manipulation. Without right or wrong.

The truth is always within.

Recognize the ways in which you lose yourself in your life. 

Somewhere in you is the anchor, a small sweet pocket that can withstand and love.  Withstand and Love ALL of it.  It’s the love that lives within.  The sustained kindness of the gentle heart and ever flowing breath. 

This is the way ~ as within, so without. 

Pure consciousness ~ This is the way here and forward 

I am so grateful you are here, we are in resonance.

Big Love 🖤


Realize Who You Are


I Call B.S.