Meet Colleen

We all have an ‘external’ bio that gets pasted all over our world - what we do, how and where we got our education, what degrees we hold…. on and on. Yet, there’s another biography that shapes the canvas of our BEing, influencing how we present ourSelves and navigate the world. What holds us back from openly sharing this authentic narrative? I like to refer to this as our ‘internal’ bio - the crucible of life’s experiences, and the transformative alchemy of adversities.

If you were to Google my name this is what you might find:

“Colleen has been a studio owner since 2006 with an extensive background as a professional dancer. She holds an Advanced Level STOTT Pilates certification and completed the Instructor Trainer course in Cadillac, Chair and Barrel with Balanced Body Pilates University. She is an NASM Certified Personal Trainer and Corrective Exercise Specialist (CES)”… blah blah blah

Yes, this is an integral part of who I am and the narrative I’ve woven.  I’ve always loved movement, which to me, is synonymous with energy.  However, with complete transparency, let me unveil the inner workings that have ultimately shaped my present.

The reality is, I was raised in a family environment that presented challenges, and as most families can be defined; a beautifully imperfect tapestry.

I’ve experienced and/or been exposed to alcoholism, addiction, verbal, emotional, and domestic abuse, teenage pregnancy, adoption, adultery, suicide, homicide, betrayal, a questionable birth, and a mysterious disappearance. Based on these early life experiences, my subsequent days, months, and years were dedicated to therapy, self-help, and intuitive guidance. It carved a path for ongoing self-reflection, humility, and personal growth. This amazing design led me to the BEing I am today - driven, passionate, honest, loyal, and embracing the path of continuous elevation and expansion.

I gave up hope for a better past, recognizing the power to create change in my life exists in every present moment.  Since I could shake a tail feather, I sensed an inner calling to discover a deeper, authentic essence within myself. I possessed a knowing that extended beyond my physical body - an awareness of an energetic force enveloping me.

Fascinated by numbers, the vast starry sky, and the intangible thread beyond vision, I delved into the esoteric dimensions. This unwavering passion led me to absorb myself in years of studying applied Astrology, intuitive Tarot, Numerology, quantum meditation, energy healing, and heart-focused breath work. Since then, I’ve been immersed in the spiritual world, opting to follow the passions of my heart over mere logic, a commitment that holds true now and forevermore.

The ancient wisdom of Numerology, Tarot, and Energy Birth Chart Readings blessed me with the precious gift of self-understanding, cultivating a tender heart and profound compassion for my authentic Self. As I delved into the mastery of understanding my energetic patterns and discerning between low and high vibrational choices, I gained the empowerment to make decisions from a place of inner grace. This heightened awareness guides me through challenging situations with a sense of sovereignty, strengthening the reliance on my inner wisdom. The profound self-acceptance and love I’ve discovered through tapping into my personal energy imprints were beyond my initial expectation. It has become a reliable and trustworthy tool for seeking guidance in my journey.

Within our illuminated Self lie the answers we seek ~ the alchemy of transformation and inner liberation. 🖤