Showing Up

What does it look like when we show up for ourSelves? What do we want that to become in the future?

Here’s my vision!!!...

When I show up for mySelf, it’s the real shit ~ no holds barred. It’s raw and unfiltered, no pretense.

It’s a trust so deep that courses through every inch of me, it feels like the tide itself. It’s the clear electric sense of the moisture in the air before the rush of the wave, a visceral awareness that leaves no room for doubt.

When I truly show up for mySelf it’s never false - it's alive and steadfast in truth. A clear signal. And these currents? They are only getting stronger. It’s allowing each inhale and exhale to effortlessly roll in like a wave ~ carrying me to the shoreline where the water sprinkles over my toes.

Arriving. Present. Here.

There's a freedom in this validation.  The freedom to trust this deep I AM ~ purely and without question, free from need for external validation, even in the face of doubt or uncertainty from others. 

That’s what showing up looks like.

Here, in this alignment, is where confidence resides.  In the beating heart of what I sense as real. 

The energy of knowing. 

The energy of heart.

It requires courage to remain in this authentic flow. But it is this courage that carries me forward, to a future where I continue to show-up fully. Grounded in my truth, it's the only guiding force. It's the sacred design of my BEing.

And here’s the real beauty… Showing up for mySelf in this way flows outward.  It becomes how I show up for YOU. 

It’s the tide of authentic Love and care. It is the ONLY truth worth living.

Showing up for mySelf is standing tall on the shore fully harnessing the warmth of the sun, the cleansing rain, the still darkness of nightfall, and the whispering wind. Heart wide open. To receive. To offer gratitude.

Here. Now. 

I will let my heart lead, with my mind as a wise companion.  

…This is my vision. 

And you? What is your vision?… How will you show up for yourSelf?

Will you stand on your shoreline, heart unguarded, open to the waves? 

This is where we meet ~ in the courageous act of showing up. 

It’s time. 

It’s time to follow our hearts with wild abandon. 

No holds barred. 🔥

Big Love🖤


Heart Like a Truck


The Space of Greatness