Where did my fire go?

About two years ago I got so fed up with myself… Where did my fire go?! 🔥

I was feeling extremely tired, not very inspired to keep up with my workouts, and started to recognize that the roots of my own values and self-worthiness got off track. I was reflecting on the relationships I’d experienced over the past couple years and wondering how I lost myself.

Then, Oh yeah, let’s take a look at my own chart! I've often found it more natural to delve into the charts and numbers of others, rather than staying connected with my own to guide me in understanding what might be happening in my life!!

So, once again, I dug into my own chart and numbers…

BAM! There it was! My Progressed Moon was in Taurus in the 2nd House.


But what does this really mean….. ??

It meant that I needed to slowwww down ~ hence the lethargy ~ and pull back in my hard-hitting fitness training.

It made so much sense now that my fire had turned down to a simmer (does this exist?!)… It was time to get grounded and look at my sense of security.

I was being invited to ‘be the turtle’, to not push.

Rather… steady as I go. It was opening to my wisdom body and creating follow-through steady routines. Sounds boring, right?!

AND it was all focused in the area of my self-confidence and self-worth!!! THERE IT WAS!

Once I realized this was the energy I was traveling through, I sank into it and ACCEPTED. The funny (and kind of annoying) piece was, I had another YEAR left in that energy!

So I began to open to it, and let it work with me and for me… rather than try to push against it. There’s really no getting around

the energy of this 2 ½ year cycle. Accepting this really did make it feel easier.

I put my head down and moved one foot in front of the other, CONSCIOUSLY!

I released the (automatic) need to rush or push forward.

I began to bring attention to all my emotional triggers around my self-definition.

Whoa… this is a big one! Can you sense that for yourself?

Yes… I spent another year in just THAT.

Now, here I AM, one year into the next cycle… “SIGH”... I feel a shift and a bit more get up and go!

Closing out that transit allowed me to have a clearer picture of myself, I feel more stable and confident… I remembered my innate self-worth!!

Oh and another bonus I gained ~ I let go of needing so much outside validation. Another big one, yes !?!

Where is your Progressed Moon?

Let’s look at all your overall energies to gain the most out of your 2 ½ year cycle. It is always right on-point, and so powerful when you open to it.

Big Love 🖤


Divine Energies


Realize Who You Are