Clear Relationships
Love, though full of risks and uncertainties, offers a transformative power in our lives.
And yes, dear ones, there are no guarantees. It does, however, promise the richness and depth of personal realization that can only be reached through love.
There is so much shifting these days it feels like life isn’t just nudging us—it’s practically shoving us headfirst into the truth of who we are. And as we work to gain our footing in this unsteady truth, many are finding themselves transitioning, beginning, ending, or pausing to reflect on their next steps in love.
I’m sharing this as I’ve recently opened myself and my heart to new and unknown opportunities of love ~ and let me tell you, this has been a long time in the making!
In doing so I’ve been subtly surprised to witness many unhealed wounds, holes in hearts that are long overdue for repair, and the way one clings to addictive, conditioned beliefs about what Love “should” be, or look like. Oh, and not to leave out the deep-rooted fears that keep one tethered to isolation. I don’t know about any of you, but I’m more than ready for real collaboration, genuine teamwork, and meaningful connection.
Haven’t we all had enough of feeling isolated? - whether it’s through the daily routine of a stiff-arm disconnect that we think keeps us ‘safe’, or the internal confines of the rigid walls built by our own beliefs. The way I see it, any rigidly held belief that has fear around it deserves to be investigated …But I’ll stop myself there.
However, if it’s one thing for sure I’ve learned in creating new relationships is the importance of clearing and shifting the energy from what “was” and what didn’t align. If this is left unresolved, that energy will follow us into the next relationship—whether we’re aware of it or not. This often reveals a pattern or wound calling out for healing, or a belief about love that we’ve outgrown and are ready to evolve beyond.
Love is ever-changing and expanding.
So I ask you…..
✨What, if anything, are you still holding onto from a past relationship?
✨How did that experience deepen your understanding of yourSelf?
✨How can this awareness guide your personal growth today?
✨Where in your life are you now channeling the wisdom and love that once opened so much within you?
Past love serves as a powerful catalyst for growth, awakening vast parts of ourSelves that might have otherwise remained dormant. It invites us to keep exploring the depths of our hearts, preparing us to open for what’s next.
It is what it WAS.
Our past relationships mirror who we were yesterday. By consciously staying present with what IS, you’ll see the truth clearly, unclouded by the murky waters you’ve risen from. In this presence, you naturally release what WAS.
Now, seek the present moments that invite grace—because grace is the gateway to love.
Love is always evolving. Embrace the evolution. There is no safety in the wild.
Heal, transform the energy, and take another risk… the only way is forward…
Big Love 🖤